Monday 6 July 2015

Tools for tomorrow

                Before taking the ED609 Technology Applications for Educators, I only used a handful of services and tech tools, mostly those were the ones I needed for filmmaking. But this course gave me numerous opportunities to explore and play with new forms of technology that I would never have heard of before taking this class. In the long run, these tools will help me inside the classroom. A tool is anything that can make a chore or life easier and ED609 definitely gave me the chance to become more proficient with these tech tools. Although I did hear of a few of the tool covered in class, ED609 gave me a venue and the time to take a closer look at these tools. Normally I usually have a lot on my plate and don't get a chance to play with new gadgets. Below are eight tools I used during this semester. I rated them from one through 5, with 5 being the highest.

MOODLE Before I started attending the University of Guam, I never heard of the MOODLE, honestly the first time I hear the instructor mention it during my masters program I actually thought she said Noodle. I guess I was hungry when my instructor was discussing this platform.

With over 10 years of development behind this open learning management system, it is found in over 200 countries with over 100 languages with 70,000 universities, colleges, school and corporations that use and trust this platform

MOODLE stands for Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. This is an open learning management system or LMS. According to MOODLE’s web site, it brags that it’s the most widely used LMS in the world. It’s a free online LMS that enables educators to create their own private website filled with dynamic courses that extends learning anywhere and anytime of the day.

Both teachers can upload their content, gradable assignments and quizzes, plus it allows students to interact with collaborative activities to make the class and learning fun. In the past I’ve used this to answer prompts and then interacted with other students to create a learning environment. See more about MOODLE. Getting started with Moodle,

I Ranked Moodle 5 stars out of 5

 FIREFOX - I began using this free web browser shortly after it launched nearly 13 years ago (2002), but it used called another name,  . Both Google and Firefox were my two favorite browsers before I enrolled in ED609 Technology Applications for Educators, although I still use theses browsers, mostly by habit, I did come across a couple of other browsers that I really liked using, but I will discuss them later. 
When Firefox was originally it was called Phoenix

Firefox quickly became popular largely because of its speed and security. 
This browser can be used with Windows, OS X, Linux and a mobile version of Android. Firefox can be quickly downloaded from its site (
As of December 2014, Firefox claims there are globally a half a billion users.

There is also  anti-virus software checks built-in the Firefox to check for viruses that could attack you computer while you are surfing and downloading files. with each downloaded file. For those multitasking students, Firefox also allows you to open a number of tabs so you can view more than one site at a time. To see more about Firefox.

I Ranked Firefox 5 stars out of 5

Over the years, the word Google has become synonymous with the word search. When people can't figure out an answer or needs help finding something on the Internet, they will just say "Google it!"

But Google is more than a search engine. Its main intentions when the company was launched in 1998 was to organize all of the information that is on the World Wide Web. No Google offers so much more on so many different levels. While taking ED 609, my horizons really opened up when I discovered all the tools that can be valuable when you are preparing for a lesson plan.  There are the applications for personal use, for educational, and other tools that offer assistance to businesses.  

Google gives back to the community and offers a number of free applications that can be applied to help educators and educational institutions such as gmail, chats, video conferencing, Blogger, Google DOCs, and Google Forums, etc.  
When Google's Thomas Petra visited our class, he mentioned that GDOE gets google apps for educators with unlimited space and offers faculty email. 

Although Google does everything for free, there are often times when advertising will pop up. Other features that are included with GDOE is Google drive, Google Docs. Google can also simulate a classroom setting with hang out, circles and a feed back button to have students give their thoughts. Learn more about Google Drive

Google Slides is another tool that competes with PowerPoint which will help both students and educator prepare for a lesson or class presentation. The learning curb is fairly easy.

Although there are a lot of advertisments, I still think this has a lot to offer. I still give it a 5 stars out of 5.


As our students to become 21st century thinkers, we as educator need to find better ways to assign classwork. LveBinders is an excellent tool that enhances the learning environment, instead of handing out work sheets, teachers can now create and assign online projects. Students can complete their work and place it in a digital folder and from their it can be graded and assessed at a faster speed.

In addition, through this assistive technology, teachers can also address, customize and personalize learning activities for diverse learners by creating different learning styles and strategies.  LiveBinders is a form of technology that will benefit students as education goes to hyperdrive. Students can also use LiveBinders as online tool where they can collect, share, reflect, and grow from their learning. Here is a link to the site
ED 609 introduced me to this service. I will use this more once I get my own students.
I Ranked LiveBinder 5 stars out of 5



Although Prezi is a free presentation tool, once you finish your presentation it is available for the whole world to see and tap into. If you want to protect your creation, then Prezi offers you a couple of plans where you would make monthly payments. But for me, free is always good. When I first started the making presentation in the MAT program I used PowerPoint. Then I wanted my presentations to stay out above my other classmates. For my second presentation I decided to use Prezi and I was the first person in Cohort 11 to use it. Afterwards a couple of people approached me on how to use it. When given the opportunity I will always use Prezi it because it is bold, uses a lot of motion with its smooth pans and zooms, which can help highlight a topic.

As the creator molds the presentation, its a good idea to have a story line, similar to how a filmmaker has his shooting script, that way it makes it easier to map out where you want your images, video and text to go. Images and videos are can easily embedded into the program.
I felt there was a learning curb, but because I know how to edit film, i feel this is a great tool for both educators and students. 

Click her for a demonstration

I Ranked Prezi 5 stars out of 5

The is a Free online video converter that lets you convert Youtube videos into simple MP4 files that can then easily be embedded into your PowerPoint, Prezi and Google Slides presentation. In the past I used this to convert video footage that was found on Youtube, I used to use the footage as B-Roll whenever I did a time piece that needed old historical footage for the news.
In addition to converting video into MP4, can also download your music for free. In addition to Youtube videos, this can also convert videos from Dailymotion, Vero and Clipfish online to MP3, MP4 and more. It´s fast, free and the best part is there is no registration needed.

Here's how it works, you locate the video on Youtube, so copy the URL and insert it into the converter. The person then needs to select the format they would like their footage to be converted into and then select convert. Depending on how big the files are, the convert time is usually very fast.


I ranked 5 stars out of 5

 A lot of times you are looking to add music into your independent film or presentation. Well GarageBand is the perfect software that will allows you to create music. It works with OS x and iOS.
GarageBand's music and podcast creation system allows users to EASILY create multiple tracks with pre-made MIDI keyboards, music loops and voice recording can be made.

GarageBand has a complete sound library that includes software instruments, presets for guitar and voice, and virtual session drummers. An intuitive interface makes it easy to learn, play, record, create, and share your hits worldwide. This software really makes it easy to make music like a professional composer. I tinkered with the older version of GarageBand a few times for various productions. I was nice to revisit this program. I feel I will use this to add music tracks to my Prezi or Google Slides.

I ranked GarageBan 5 stars out of 5

OOVOO - In the past I used Google Chat and Skype, but in ED609 I was introduced to Oovoo which is a free instant messaging, voice, and video chat. ooVoo allows high quality video and audio calls and up to twelve people from different locations can join in the chat. It can be used with the Personal Computer (PC) or Mac and it can handle phones calls to landlines and cell phones. The calls to the landline and cell phones will require a fee.
Although I used this in class, I recently tried this out with my wife who is currently in Australia (June 30- July 8, 2015) representing Guam . She was selected by Guam Track and Field to run the 10k.

We decided to try out OOVOO. There were moments where the video on her end was very pixelated. But for the most part the video was alright. I think my wife was a little frustrated with OOVOO because she felt the quality wasn't as good as Skype.

Although it was frustrated at time talking with my wife, I was still able to hear her and the most important part is its free. 

Picture of me and my son talking to mommy.

I ranked oovoo 4 stars out of 5 - 

Guam PDN sports -

Saturday 4 July 2015

What does Copyright mean?

What does copyright mean?

Copyright symbol was introduced in the United States by a 1954 amendment to copyright act from 1909.
            You probably have come across a copyright symbol at the end of a movie, on a blu ray movie, a cd, pictures and posters. Copyright is a form of protection that covers both published and unpublished works. It protects intellectual property which includes music, all types of literature (poetry, short stories, novels and screenplays).

A copy of a copyright form that can be downloaded from

             There are a number of ways an individual can protect their work. The first way would be to log onto You can fill out a form and file it on line and it will go directly to the copyright office which is in the library of congress in Washington D.C.  Depending on what you are submitting, whether it’s a screenplay, literature, a compilation of material such as poems or short stories, picture or a dvd copy of an independent film, the prices for submitting material will change depending what you choose to have copyright. In the past copyrights were only issued for a length of 14 years, but now it covers the lifetime of the artist plus another 70 years after the authors death.


           If you are a writer and have a shoe string budget, then there’s always the cheap man or poor man copyright. This is probably the most common way people will copyright their material. An artist will place the material they wish to have copyright in an envelope. They will bring it to the post office and securely tape the entire envelope. Afterwards the clerk will stamp the date along the tape and where the envelope is sealed. Then the artist can mail the material to themselves. Once they get it, they need to place it in a secure area.

            If you write a book, you can license it to a publisher, from there you will get royalties from the publishing company, providing the book does well. Am example would be, George Lucas wrote novels pertaining to episodes 4, 5 and 6. When the book does well, Lucas will continue to get checks in the mail, even if it is years after the book was published, providing the book is still selling.
            If a person is interested in using music, film clips, picture(s) or literature for an independent film, TV show or classroom assignment, that person needs to get permission to use that material. A letter needs to be drafted and sent to either the artist or the company where the material is being distributed through. Sometime the companies will grant permission to use the piece that is being requested. I once worked on an independent film and the producer really wanted to have a Bruce Springsteen song in it. No one thought Springsteen would give the ok, but he did and allowed the film to contain a song.
            Copyright violations happens when a person or group of people infringe on the copyright. This is when a piece of literature is plagiarized such as photos from a book are being used without permission, a rebroadcast of a professional sporting event without permission. The penalties can range from $200 to $150,000. Then there is also video piracy that is when people illegally download a video over the internet or buy pirated DVDs. If the person who distributes this material gets caught, they could get up to 5 years in prison with fines up to $250,000. Please click link to an advertisement that often plays in movie theaters. ( )
            Ways to get around using copyright material would be to go to a public domain site to get the material you would need. There are also royalty free web sites a person can tape into film stock, pictures and music. Lots of times the artist will allow to use it as long as they are given credit for the material.

(The preceding information relects the 10 minutes of content I used during my groups 20 minute presentation- David F. Macaluso).   

Electronic Technology Abuse 

           Cyber Bullying, Textual Harrassment & Sexting, Pharming & Phishing and Fair User Practices (FUP) & Copyright Issues all have one thing in common, they are forms of electronic technology abuse. In my opinion they are all serious. With cyber bullying, it means text message or emails that can happen 24/7.  Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to get personal and sensitive information. Pharming is when hackers redirects users to fake websites without them even knowing it. Textual harassment is when someone sends text messages in the form of sexual harassment, Abuse or bullying. Sexting is when a person sends sexually explicit messages or pictures by using the cell phone or instant messenger

Educating your students

          As an educator it's important to teach your students ways of being safe on the Internet, how would you design the lesson and/or activities?
I would start the lesson off by focusing in on the dangers that are in the real world. The students would be asked what they thought of the saying don’t talk to strangers. After a class discussion helping to inform the students what strangers are, I would explain that some strangers are good people and some bad people.

           I would then transition the first part of the lesson, reminding students the do’s and don’ts on how they should conduct themselves on the internet. I will explain to the students that they should never give personal information to a stranger, only answer questions that are safe to answer. Then re-enforce what you taught them and have an assessment of what the students learned by giving them a small test.

United States Copyright Office - a Department of the Library of Congress. Retrieved June 27, 2015 

Cornell Copyright Information Centre (2015, January 1). Retrieved June 27, 2015
Piracy It's a Crime. (December 2007). Retrieved June 27, 2015  


Wednesday 1 July 2015

Through the years with fimmaking technology

David F. Macaluso - Director, Writer, and Executive Producer

David Macaluso first became interest in film making when he was 9 years old. During a rainy Sunday afternoon, while playing hide and seek in my home, he stumbled onto his dad's old 8mm movie camera (This was the old 8mm film camera, not the 8mm video camera.)

David's father showed him how the camera worked and then gave it to him. Shortly after that he would write scripts and direct friends from his neighborhood in short films, the same friends who he would play sports with at the local playground. He also learned how to edit and add music to these films.
David Macaluso playing Han Solo in a neighborhood film Star Wars

Macaluso (right) is walking with Patrick Donnelly who is playing Luke Skywalker

Stormtrooper on patrol

Years later, never losing his passion for the art, he continued to development his skills and graduated from William Paterson University (New Jersey) with a Bachelors Degree in Communications - Film, Radio and Television. Two years before earning my B.A., he formed my own production company, slowly built a client base and began directing, editing, & producing music videos, two videos that were made for indie groups appeared on MTV's Indie segment.

Macaluso shooting a college film with a 16mm Bolex camera

Over the years he gained experience in radio, television and film production. As a filmmaker,  he continued to make music videos and got involved in a number of independent film projects that were shot in New Jersey, New York City, California and the Philippines. He was also a freelance writer and photographer for several New Jersey magazines and newspapers. There was also a time he used his photography skills and was a photographer for Elizabeth Arden Cosmetics (New York City).

In 2004 Macaluso wrote, directed and produced a comedy titled Wedding of the Century that was film in the Philippines. The screen play took fourth place in the Manila Filmmaking Financing Forum. Here's the Youtube link to the official trailer

In 2005 David moved away from New Jersey to Guam, U.S.A. and helped spearhead the launching of the Pacific News Center which is affiliated with two national networks in the U.S.A.;  the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) and FOX (sister company 20th Century Fox). He was tapped for his writing skills and became a TV Journalist writing news stories for the local nightly newscast for both TV & Radio. During Guam's elections, David was a TV personality doing live election coverage in 2006, 2008, 2010 & 2012. With his versatility, he also created content, planned, filmed, directed & produced numerous TV documentaries for both stations.

Macaluso interviews Former Philippines President Fidel Valdez Ramos. Ramos was the 12th President of the Philippines.
 Filipino professional boxer and politician Manny Pacquiao. He is the first eight-division world champion.

In 2009 David helped launched CW 4 (Guam) which is affiliated with the CW Network. He partnered with ABS-CBN (Philippines) and MSNBC (USA) on several projects. In addition to writing local news stories for the nightly newscast, he also helped create content, planned, directed, filmed and produced a number of TV documentaries.

In 2011, David and his wife Rhea formed his own production company (David Macaluso Productions). David began to write, direct, film and produced a number of documentaries. Two of his sports documentaries were recognized by a number of organizations. He was the Winner of the 2012 Guam Governor's Council of Physical Fitness Award for Innovative TV show. Here's the link for Get Fit Go Healthy

Also in 2012, Macaluso made a baseball documentary titled Little Big Baseball Stars and it was selected to play in the Los Angeles Sports Film Festival

 And in 2011 he was the Winner of the Pacific Islanders in Communications (Honolulu, Hawaii) Audience Choice Award  at the Guam Film Festivals. 

Techology used in the production

Macaluso used Final Cut Pro to edit all of his documentaries and TV Specials.

Timeline of Apple's Final Cut Pro

Adobe After Effects are used to make titles and special effects


Sample of Graphics when using After Affects

Toast Titanium converts Files and change format

Drag files into Toast Titanium

Picture depicts what the screen looks like when the files are being converted

Garage Band is something I will use on future projects  

Timeline to Garage Band

This blog was loaded to LiveBinder


Macaluso, D. (2004 July & 2013 July).  Wedding of the Century. retrieved June 30, 2015
Macaluso, D. (2012 August) Get Fit Go Healthy. retrieved June 30, 2015
Macaluso, D. (August 2011) Little Big Baseball Stars. Retrieved June 30, 2015 
Macaluso, D. (May 2011). Every Runner IS A Winner. Retrieved June 29, 2015